“NYS cannot afford to “let this one go” protect our children

“Let it Go” Sorry NYS this one I don’t think so.. Protect Our children from future abuse
By Victoria Comerchero

On June 22 as I was watching my 4 year old daughter once again perform “Let It Go” with the same passion and enthusiasm as a broadway singer in California across the country in my home (NYC upper east side) little did I know that upon my return I would need to focus my energies on a different tune.

When I arrived back in NYC early July I smiled thinking of just how far my 4 year old had come over the past year. While of course there is a natural maturity which slowly pushes children away from the “terrible toddler please into the calmer waters of the preschool period, I also credited her preschool, a pricey but nurturing and educationally stimulating one a perfect match for my energetic intelligent and curious daughter.

Excited that she would be returning for her final year despite the high price tag, my optimism was shattered in a moment when the news “broke” which was communicated not only through incessant email blasts from the schools administration but front and center in local newspapers and culminating in a very intense NYT article on July 23rd.

The short story is the school royally messed up. They let an accused child molester back on site to work with the very same preschoolers he was accused of harming after “clearing him through their own one day investigation”. Failing to notify the authorities as it turns out that NYS law only requires public schools to notify authorities in cases of suspected employee sexual abuse in schools which is crazy that NYS would find it acceptable under any circumstance to potentially put a child in harms way.

So How Can We as Parents, teachers, and good citizens sit back and “let this go?” The answer is we cannot afford inaction.

Instead our goal should be to lobby NYs to change this Law so that all schools public or private have the same obligation to protect our children that my older daughter’s K teacher taught me through visits to city hall and a tour with our councilman is that WE CAN ALL BE ADVOCATES AND WORK TOGETHER to CHANGE a law!

So as my daughters rudimentary picture states “mom I don’t care if you don’t win keep trying” i think I will honor her words and try to make a difference to keep our world safer for our children.

Thank you for reading and if you want to help in making a difference please send me a message
Thank You So Much!
