
2 SimpleWords ch. 8: Thank mom or other special female

Who is the strongest woman you know? For me it is my mom! Today is her birthday so I dedicate this short post/chapter excerpt which says it all. Freud’s model is rooted in the idea that everything a child does is the mom’s “fault”.

I could not agree more with his chauvinist view in this case.
For if there is anyone who doubts Freud’s position on the power a mother has to mold her child just look at yourself and smile. See the strength in you; the beauty and all the other wonderful things! Who nurtured these qualities? Mom most likely as your first caregiver or another female in your life. So take time to thank your mom or a strong woman in your life today! Think of an inspirational song or poem that defines your relationship and sing or send to her; skip the hallmark card!

The media is inundated with shows and movies starting even as young as cartoons with “girlpower” and gives girls the message that no matter what friends will always be there for you. While most of us are lucky to have supportive girlfriends the reality is most women change friends frequently and it can be hard to really find time to stay in touch beyond Facebook or texting while making dinner, helping your kids with homework or rushing off to work.

But your mom or supportive female relative, (perhaps you are even lucky enough to have a girl friend you can call any hour of the day ) she is the one who will always be there during your highest and lowest moments. She will always drop everything to help you.

A mother is the one woman who will always there to lift you up when you were down. Yet as we grow older and have our own “adult lives” and maybe children of our own we often forget to thank the one person who made all of what we have possible. From helping us with homework to helping babysit your children in a pinch.

So today, thank your mom even if it is not her birthday or Mother’s Day. To make it even more special instead of a quick phone call reconnect with your inner child/creative side and make her a homemade project, sing for her, laugh with her be a “kid again”. You are only 5 years old once and today is your chance to make mom smile the way you remember when you came running home from school and fell into her arms.

Finally, dedicate a special song to your mom and play it for her, sing (if you can) or send her a CD with pictures to go with the song.

My absolute favorite is. “Because You Loved Me” by Celine Dion.. But I am sure you have your own.

Because You Loved Me: Deficated to My Mom.. Thank you (Celine dion)
“You were my strength when I was weak
You were the voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith to believe
I’m everything I am because you loved me”
– celion dion

Link to full lyrics


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